Closing the Gaps Between Rural and Urban Education

Blog > Closing the Gaps Between Rural and Urban Education Closing the Gaps Between Rural and Urban Education CRECE begins the mid-term evaluation of the “Education for Competitiveness” Program. The great challenge of the Program: close the gaps between rural and urban education.   At CRECE we have had the opportunity to systematize and evaluate different educational initiatives developed both…

Stylized facts of coffee cultivation in the III National Agricultural Census: The reflections of CRECE

Blog > Reflections of CRECE Stylized facts of coffee cultivation in the III National Agricultural Census: The reflections of CRECE During the celebration of the 30 years of CRECE, the Director of DANE, Mauricio Perfetti del Corral, presented an in-depth analysis of coffee cultivation in the III National Agricultural Census. The analyzes reveal the most important transformations that coffee growing…

CRECE reaches 30 years of research

Blog > CRECE reaches 30 years of research CRECE llega a los 30 años de investigación “What is not measured cannot be improved, and what is not improved is lost”, this was precisely the task that the Center for Regional, Coffee and Business Studies (CRECE) began to do 30 years ago in the region. See full article.

For the revitalization of the cultural heritage of Manizales

Blog > For the revitalization of the cultural heritage of Manizales For the revitalization of the cultural heritage of Manizales The current bets in favor of the tangible and intangible heritage of peoples make possible legal and political instruments aimed at giving meaning to their existence. In particular, a framework for action aimed at protecting historical memory through its anchoring…

CRECE works hand in hand with the palm sector

Blog > CRECE works hand in hand with the palm sector CRECE works hand in hand with the palm sector The Center for Regional Coffee and Business Studies -CRECE- is carrying out a project for FEDEPALMA called “Evaluation of the impact of research and transfer of Bud Rot”. The objective of the project is to identify the most relevant results…